With the boycott for Teslas seemingly going strong I was wondering if anyone has successfully removed the proprietary software off any of the models or removed it from the Tesla network?
Considering that the cameras send data to other cars on the network to be processed (using the customers power instead of the company’s) this seems better than just reselling to me.
OTA updates require Wifi connectivity
For NTSA software recalls, Tesla will eventually force the OTA update down via 4G if Wifi never becomes available. I don’t know how many weeks/months they wait to do that though.
Depends on the update.
If it’s a full system overwrite, they would put a delay to go via wifi first then 4G if not done by x date
Smaller updates, 4g immediately.
Tesla would have a global contract with the likes of AT&T to deliver data to every modem installed, and they would have allocation limits to meet that.
I don’t think this wasn’t my experience. The most notable OTA recall I can remember is when the font size for indicators (including speed). I do not have wifi configured on my Model 3 and when others had received their update (via wifi) I still had not. Days (weeks? months?) passed and I came out to my car one day with the bigger font. I remember a noticeable time delay between the update being released to others and it finally being force over 4G to me. This is anecdotal though, and I’ll concede my memory isn’t perfect.