That isn’t pedantry. This is valuable information! Thanks for the correction.
That isn’t pedantry. This is valuable information! Thanks for the correction.
“I’m sorry you lost your job serving our society in the Federal government. I’m sorry that some selfish fascist idiots though it was better to harm others with their vote for trump without for one second thinking about the consequences to American society. If I ran into one of those people, I’d tell them they were selfish assholes. You and I both know that those idiots are now getting what they voted for. I hope they’re happy about it and with the results of screwing us all over.”
Yes to speed-of-light limitations for latency, but again, the military is already doing things while also firing precision weapons from the same platform halfway around the world. My guess is that the systems are mostly autonomous except the humans issue short term commands. Like:
Morticia and Gomez Addams.
"Oh 'tish…that’s French!
The 1990’s naming conventions are back baby!
Transpacific flights would become Lord of the Flies for 19 hours. Whoever holds the Conch shell holds leadership of the plane.
Once that is proven they will reduce responsibilities for the single crew until the plane is fully automated.
Once the fully automated flight is trusted and proven they will remove the single pilot.
There’s a middle step isn’t there? Where there are real human pilots that are sitting at a remote location on the ground somewhere doing the actual flying. We have this with military drone pilots already. I have to imagine it would be far easier to implement this than full AI. You still get 70% of the benefit of “pilotless” flights because you don’t have to get the human geographically to the place the plane is flying.
Because American educational institutions are not and haven’t been about academia and learning for some time. It’s a good ol’ boys club you pay with daddy’s money or massive amounts of debt to be a part of, to give you a piece of paper you can use to virtue signal to other people who wasted similar amounts of money in the same place.
There are some of those, yes, but far more colleges and universities are NOT those than are.
Hiring in IT has been an eye opener, I actively distrust people who present their degree as their first and foremost point of hirability; because they’re usually useless.
I do IT hiring as well. I don’t fault the younger folks that lead with their degree. They’ve been told all of their lives how important it is to get one and the it will make them stand out from their peers. I’ll agree with you however that a degree by itself does not make someone competent at the subject matter.
When I’m dealing with recent grads, I’ll ask for things outside of the degree coursework that deals with problem solving or demonstrations of conceptual knowledge (as oppose to rote). Lots of them fall flat when put to these question, some, however, shine. Where a degree (any degree) is useful is that it usually means they can write decently enough. They know at least some etiquette and professionalism. Hopefully it also means they know how to look something up, which really is the key skill of IT.
I have zero knowledge in this area, but would a full distillation system make this water potable? I did a quick google search and found systems claiming 12 gallons of distilled water per day for around $3k. I imagine there are also larger capacity systems that exist at some pricepoint.
We also have equally if not even more complete content for Opossums here on Lemmy.
Rage comics, narwarls bacon at midnight, poopknife, BothArmsBroken /s
Seriously though, a poemforyoursprog would be welcome addition. In the same vein shittywatercolor. Maybe even some shittymorph “In 1985 mankind…”. Nah, scratch that last one.
Does Sheets and the rest of the Google suite handle this well?
It does.
I’ll also be the first to say that many of these use cases should not be using a spreadsheet for the kind of work that is occurring and a database is much more appropriate, but we know “should” rarely is present in modern companies or enterprises.
Replaced in what context?
This was really confusing to me too from the context of the article. Here’s what I’m guessing. At the top of the article it has this:
So even though the article doesn’t say it, I’m guessing if a user were to search Google maps and find the restaurant, inside the details where was previously a link to “Book a reservation”…through Opentable. The article is saying that for this person’s restaurant Google is no longer showing the Opentable link, and instead showing a Google link driving by the AI. Those screenshots being what the user would see if they try to put in a reservation.
The logical suggestion is if the user were to:
So the issue, I think, is trying to book a reservation directly from Google Maps results.
I have been using collaboration with Microsoft products for decades with little issue.
You’ve had 60+ people all in a single Excel spreadsheet on Sharepoint all making changes at the exact same moment and never once had a issue of a document lock or file corruption? Its okay to have a preference for one product over the other, but when you’re blinded by brand loyalty where you can see no wrong with your preferred product, it makes you lose credibility.
Google Docs has done very little to innovate.
The place where I see Google Docs being far superior to any other product I’ve run into is collaborative work. Having multiple people writing in the same doc at the simultaneously is a train wreck in most products Office365 included. In other products there’s a good chance you’ll have a version conflict and someone’s changes will be lost. Google docs handles that with ease.
You’re too late. You missed your chance at condescension and contributing your vitriol. This conversation ended already a month ago with concessions from both sides and mutual respect. Perhaps your absence from the conversation was the reason we were able reach a point of understanding from both sides.
I see the rest of the responses from you today are on this month old thread. I see you’ve built a whole fictitious character to rage against. I hope that is helpful to you in some way, even if it doesn’t match reality. I won’t your other responses, The funny thing is, I saw you post in some other unrelated threads. With my experience with you in this thread I didn’t expect much positive contribution from you, however, I found that I did think you made some good points in those other contexts. Its disappointed I didn’t see that version of you here. c’est la vie
Doesn’t seem likely unless he was renting. Even if you miss one mortgage payment, your bank can’t take your house that fast.
If it was posted for sale it likely wasn’t a foreclosure that fast. Perhaps the owner did the math and saw very quickly that they wouldn’t be able to keep up with the mortgage, or no longer had any reason to live in that city because they were there only for the job. With the job gone, the need of the house in that city goes with it. I’m just speculating.
It’s kind of scary that 3 weeks is all it took for them to list their home.
The neighbor is part of the (in 2019) 51%.
“Most Working Americans Would Face Economic Hardship If They Missed More than One Paycheck”
"You said a ‘jackdaw is a crow.’ "