I mean I’m trying to wrap my head around what work it would be a parody of. like, Hot Shots! is primarily a parody of Top Gun with some scenes parodying other films.
Evil Dead 1 was a horror film. It’s not a parody, or a comedy, it’s a horror film. Evil Dead 2…defies definition. It’s as much a remake as it is a sequel, it’s still a horror movie though it leans more on comedy. Army of Darkness, better known by its actual title “The Studio Wouldn’t Let Us Call It Evil Dead 3” is a horror themed action comedy. It’s not really making fun of an existing work the way Hot Shots! or Airplane! does.
He is an overpowered white guy in a new land like John Carter adventure type stories. He is a chosen one the prophecy foretold! Person out of time who brings knowledge from the future to win war against evil. The deadite army is a comedic take on the stop motion armies of the dead from B movies. He even fights his evil twin!
It is a parody of a genre, not a single movie or series.
The best parodies are humorous takes that treat the source material with repect.
Shaun of the Dead
Galaxy Quest
Army of Darkness (person out of time becomes a leader against evil)
I guess Army of Darkness is an indirect parody of A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court?
I am sure that is one of the inspirations.
I mean I’m trying to wrap my head around what work it would be a parody of. like, Hot Shots! is primarily a parody of Top Gun with some scenes parodying other films.
Evil Dead 1 was a horror film. It’s not a parody, or a comedy, it’s a horror film. Evil Dead 2…defies definition. It’s as much a remake as it is a sequel, it’s still a horror movie though it leans more on comedy. Army of Darkness, better known by its actual title “The Studio Wouldn’t Let Us Call It Evil Dead 3” is a horror themed action comedy. It’s not really making fun of an existing work the way Hot Shots! or Airplane! does.
He is an overpowered white guy in a new land like John Carter adventure type stories. He is a chosen one the prophecy foretold! Person out of time who brings knowledge from the future to win war against evil. The deadite army is a comedic take on the stop motion armies of the dead from B movies. He even fights his evil twin!
It is a parody of a genre, not a single movie or series.
So an isekai
thanks i hate it
How dare you‽ You’re right, but how dare you‽
Galaxy Quest belongs at the top of any such list. It’s widely considered to be one of the best Star Trek movies.
By Grabthar’s hammer, what a movie.
…Maybe I’m the plucky comic relief…
“Let’s get out of here before one of those things kills Guy” is still low-key one of my favourite lines.