Having an unreliable verification method is worse than nothing.
Also known as snooggums on midwest.social and kbin.social.
Having an unreliable verification method is worse than nothing.
He is an overpowered white guy in a new land like John Carter adventure type stories. He is a chosen one the prophecy foretold! Person out of time who brings knowledge from the future to win war against evil. The deadite army is a comedic take on the stop motion armies of the dead from B movies. He even fights his evil twin!
It is a parody of a genre, not a single movie or series.
I am sure that is one of the inspirations.
Some of them voted for him three elections in a row.
Someone said something he didn’t like so he blurted out the first ignorant thing that he thought of, as usual.
Especially without knowing that AI is hard coded functionality and algorithms?
Outlook doesn’t behave differently based on a training data set. Saying AI isn’t significantly different from hard coded functionality and algorithms is like saying a computer and a light switch are the same thing.
Do you think Outlook’s automated inclusion of an email signature that is different for people inside and outside the organization based on user settings is AI?
Because the vast majority of people either benefit or think they benefit from in person interactions. That includes people who end up in leadership positions who make decisions about how content is delivered.
Yes, plenty of people are able to be self motivated to do things online and it is great that the option exists for them. It won’t be the standard for most things though, because of how most people tend to interact with the world around them.
Features like Siri understanding personal context and taking action based on a user’s screen are still not ready and may not make it into iOS 19.
Tech companies not understanding exponential complexity is one of the funnier things to come out of recent years.
Username checks out.
Glass is far more likely to cause injuries to the driver or the people around the set, just from being heavier material than styrofoam.
Yeah, it might drive straight into a wall but at least it isn’t returning false positives!
He also said the government doesn’t use sql.
Absolutely hilarious.
Automated email signatures are added by hard coded functionality or algorithms, not AI.
Her case reflects ICE’s broadened enforcement that now includes documented immigrants.
If they are jailing documented immigrants they are not enforcing anything, they are kidnapping people.
The best parodies are humorous takes that treat the source material with repect.
Shaun of the Dead
Galaxy Quest
Army of Darkness (person out of time becomes a leader against evil)
It really is a website that can be linked to!
So is The Onion.
Stripping C2PA simply removes the reliability part, which is fine if you don’t need it. It is something that is effective when present and not when it isn’t.