Bad luck? I have very high levels of mica sediment in my well that my immediate neighbors do not have. I asked my neighbors when I moved in and none of them had that problem. The well company said that they usually drill a new well.
A few miles away a neighbor has such high radon that they need special filters that need to be disposed of by a professional company because it needs to be treated as a radiation hazard. I have no radon in my water.
As someone else said for lead, if you have old soldered copper pipes, that could be your lead problem.
A professional company can install water treatment to make your water safe. The well pump salesman showed off some of the crazy systems that they had done. One was a system of really large water tanks connected to a very large Reverse Osmosis system to deal with a well that had bad water quality.
Reverse osmosis filtration. It can get expensive but cheaper than hauling water constantly.
How are the neighbors not having to deal with this?
Bad luck? I have very high levels of mica sediment in my well that my immediate neighbors do not have. I asked my neighbors when I moved in and none of them had that problem. The well company said that they usually drill a new well.
A few miles away a neighbor has such high radon that they need special filters that need to be disposed of by a professional company because it needs to be treated as a radiation hazard. I have no radon in my water.
As someone else said for lead, if you have old soldered copper pipes, that could be your lead problem.
A professional company can install water treatment to make your water safe. The well pump salesman showed off some of the crazy systems that they had done. One was a system of really large water tanks connected to a very large Reverse Osmosis system to deal with a well that had bad water quality.
maybe they have no idea. do you live near mines?
Maybe they have it too, maybe it’s your delivery system. If all the pump plumbing is old lead solder then there’s your answer.
To add to this, the water is slightly acidic, so this could be due to leaching.