While I agree that this would trick many human drivers, I think the goal of a self-driving car is that it be better than human drivers. And there is existing tech that could help achieve that.
While I agree that this would trick many human drivers, I think the goal of a self-driving car is that it be better than human drivers. And there is existing tech that could help achieve that.
Absolutely, but absolving them of responsibility for their choices is not the answer.
This is a distinction without a difference. They still back his actions and assisted him in regaining power. I guess if it makes you feel better about them, hold onto that.
You ruined my joke. I was going to say, “Antique guns, bought new.”
And thermopiles.
This highlights a big problem that people ignore when they say they want government to be run like a business. A business is concerned with what’s best for them, not what’s best for the customer. And this is certainly what’s best for Musk, and likely not what’s best for the people.
To add to this, the water is slightly acidic, so this could be due to leaching.