I fell off around 300…350? A bit past Munch Squad started. Then it started to get kinda stale and stuff… which is understandable after HUNDREDS of hours of funny.
I’ve tried some newer ones and I find them completely insufferable, unlistenable. Everything is so flanderized and insincere and weird.
My brother, my brother, and me- a fake advice show. Pardon My Take- national sports podcast. The Ringer F1 Show- ins and outs of Formula 1 Motorsport.
MBMBAM was good for the first couple hundred… then… not.
Well, that’s an opinion.
I fell off around 300…350? A bit past Munch Squad started. Then it started to get kinda stale and stuff… which is understandable after HUNDREDS of hours of funny.
I’ve tried some newer ones and I find them completely insufferable, unlistenable. Everything is so flanderized and insincere and weird.