I fell off around 300…350? A bit past Munch Squad started. Then it started to get kinda stale and stuff… which is understandable after HUNDREDS of hours of funny.
I’ve tried some newer ones and I find them completely insufferable, unlistenable. Everything is so flanderized and insincere and weird.
One that’s less relevant now, but throughout my life has been relevant: Juggalos.
I was a big metalhead in school, and i had a bunch of juggalo friends. I liked a couple of their songs well enough, but I found the “culture” grating. Still, those mothafuckas were the most accepting and tolerant people I knew. Tolerant of anyone’s way of life, except they fucking hated bigots. In the 90s, being accepting of queer peeps really wasn’t in vogue (to put it lightly) but juggalos welcomed queer peeps as friends with open arms.