I have an even better idea. We should connect all of the defense systems, including nukes, to an AI. It’ll be a great network across the sky using starlink satellites. I think we could call it SkyNet.
Not gonna lie, I did unironically propose something very similar to this once at work, and began looking into it.
Turns out I was too young to know what skynet is… I swear it would work though
The most frustrating part is that both the republican senators and house members KNOW this makes no sense, but they don’t have the balls to say anything. Our government is so fucked.
Every Republican in Congress that isn’t speaking up (so all of them) are literal traitors to our nation. And we’re paying them to be traitors.
Here we see elon writing a contract to himself to push ai into doing only god knows what and take our money. No conflict of interest to see here, the plans are public in Elon’s brain for people to review and question.
All of DOGE “plans” seem like shit that was cooked up by immature teenagers and drug addled brains, because they are.
Elon and his team of ketamin demons
Honestly, thats an insult to demons.
Insult to ketamine too.
Is there anyone else out there that refuse to call them by that stupid fucking name? It’s like buying into a teenaged 4chan-dwelling edgelord’s sad joke.
It only fuels their dumb bullshit.
I always call it the Department of Government Enshitification
The Department of Corruption?
That’ll work. I was thinking something like:
The Central Incelligence Agency.
Here’s how you know it’s not ready: AI hasn’t replaced a single CEO.
Man, I want to be at that shareholder meeting; “how about we just don’t have a CEO and pocket the savings?”
This is a better start
Not that I’m keen on AI, but doesn’t happen anymore with o3-mini.
Good thing is that it still lacks on complex tasks.
Ummm, are you sure that is OpenAI o3-mini?
Still can’t replicate:
You can try o3-mini privately in DuckDuckGo
It’s because the second word is “stawberrey”, missing the first r.
Oh boy, there are so many ways this can go wrong. Thought police that arrest you for a slightly out of context comment, or SkyNet decides that the best way to deal with a Narco boss is to start WW3.
Next thing you know, all Luigi’s are being detained.
Spez, is that you?
McDonald’s couldn’t even get AI to take drive-through orders properly. Musk wants it to run the government without even doing a test run first.
That’s because he and his kind believe government is useless and can just be broken without losing anything important. From their point of view, government is just a thing that takes money from them and spends it on people who don’t deserve to live because they’re not asshole billionaire techbros. And it makes poor people’s lives slightly less unpleasant by giving them money and services, which billionaires don’t like because it makes the poor less desperate and exploitable.
That’s because he and his kind believe government is useless and can just be broken without losing anything important.
kinda like racks of servers that keep a social media site used by 100s of millions of users? the ones muskrat just yanked willy-nilly out of a data center and loaded onto uhauls? it took weeks for twitter to repair that damage.
Well at least there is no clear conflict of interest /s
Well, his AI is the only I he has…
I know you’re joking, but it’s really dangerous to assume your enemy is an idiot. He isn’t stupid, he’s evil. If he were stupid he would not be the richest man in the world clawing still more gold into his hoard.
If he were stupid he would not be the richest man in the world
No, stop.
You are conflating wealth with intelligence.
Do you know how easy it is to have money multiply itself in high enough quantities? It’s hard to overstate just how difficult it would be to have the wealth of Elon Musk and somehow not make money. You would have to make several multi-million dollar bad investments per day for decades, and even then, you’re still not likely to run out of cash any time soon. If Elon Musk did absolutely nothing for the rest of his life (and god, we could only hope) the interest and dividends his wealth passively generates for him would be enough for all of his children and grandchildren to live lavishly luxurious lives.
Elon is not a genius. He’s actually a complete fucking moron who got very, very lucky and has excellent timing. If it were not for the success of PayPal in the early dotcom days, we would never have heard from this guy again.
Also has been bailed out by Peter theil more than once. Theil is on the other hand extremely deft and cunning and straight up evil.
It’s a cop out and a dumb one. ai is inefficient, and bad at doing human jobs cause it’s not human, useful as a tool but not on its own
AI would be great. AI could probably do a lot of human jobs.
large language models are not AI. please stop calling them that. they’re literally the same kind of algorithm your phone keyboard uses for autocorrect, but scaled way up with a bunch of recursion. start typing, then let autocorrect fill in a few sentences. this is just a fancier, not even much more sophisticated, version of that.
this isn’t about efficiency. this is about looting and lying. it’s about fucking up peoples lives, overwhelming them and frustrating them on a daily basis so they are too exhausted to care whats true, what’s human, or anything else but what daddy tells them.
I think that is actually exciting. The integration has to happen and America is going to be the trailblazers!! It’s going to be bumpy no doubt.
Its also just like. Its not there yet.
It cant make a full wine glass.