okay but windows will at some point become unusable. that’s not a question, that WILL happen. I already find it frustrating.
so do you rip off the band-aid, or spend a bunch of money to let the wound keep festering, then have to rip off the band-aid even worse later?
I don’t expect it, but I would only be slightly surprised.
yes. windows xp was a fully local OS, and when you installed it, you stilled owned your computer. these things are not true of windows 10.
sure, and I could say you’re a chainsaw juggling pedophile lizard person who came from the future to make sure flavored foams don’t have a resurgence in upscale dining at any cost because the consequences, drawn out 200 years, are so much worse than fascism and several possible extinction events. saying shit is easy. doesn’t make it true.
…does it? do you need a heated rock?