Hi everyone,
I’ve been a single-server built from whatever desktop I upgraded for years kind of guy, with a hostname of the street it is on (better than server
, which is what it used to be).
However, at some point in the future my home lab will be located in a place I will not have immediate access to, and since it’s getting on in age and due for an upgrade anyway, I’m going to build in some redundancy. So, current names:
- OPNsense micro-router:
- OPNsense backup:
- Cluster micro-server with essential services:
- Cluster micro-server with non-essential services and replicated essential services:
- NAS:
- Powered on remotely when needed:
- Mac mini dev/release box:
- Primary remote development server (basically my old desktop):
- Mac mini dev/release box:
Bring on the Mini-MacMiniface
s, and any other ideas you have.
<UniqueName>-the-<type of computer> For hardware.
So Bill-the-laptop Ishmel-the-hometheater Etc
Everything else is cattle to me. Function-namespace-random
But I’m a BIG Kubernetes rke2/k3s/harvester guy
The 1990’s naming conventions are back baby!
- Greek gods
- James Bond villains
- colors
- incremental naming: server1, server1a, Copy_of_server1a, otherserver1, ServerA)
Yes, that’s an uppercase i
Easy there satan
Just give them ordinary names. Then when someone hears you say something like, “I think Greg is due for a reboot” you’ll make their day that much weirder.
I’ll sometimes pick ordinary names that are loosely related to the function for memory purposes.
(i.e., Gus the Cluster), etc.And of course, if there’s a machine that you expect will give you trouble, you name it
.This may be the one. Reminds me of pet naming. Though, my cat was named… Cat.
You are a pragmatic fellow and I respect that.
Okay, more suggestions:
- for the clusters, Gus and Buster
- for ingress, Ingrid and Igor
- for the nas, Cass
- for your Mac mini, Bach
- for your development server, Jessop (short for Jessop the Desktop)
I bought a thin client basically to add as a node for my proxmox homelab, I named it smol
My wife saw eventually and was upset I didn’t follow our normal naming convention of Bender-adjacent characters.
Honestly, if you’re not going to go with descriptive names like you have now IMO you should pick something you like and pull the names. You already used streets so you could continue like that, or towns from your region. I’m an old Colorado Avalanche fan so I have Sakic, Forsburg, Roy, Foote and Borque. I would have used Hejduk but I had to look up the spelling just to write this post.
quick edit: clients are all descriptive names: rc__buggy-desktop, rc__buggy-laptop, mrs.rc__buggy-laptop, etc.
macmini-> minimacminiface