You see a 1 minute clip right before they die. You have their real names (and any aliases), but that’s all the info you have. You don’t know their exact location, not even the country, nor their occupation, or whether they are a “good” or “bad” person. Their death is 99% guaranteed to happen unless you help them avert their death.

They will always be located at least 1/3 of the Earth’s circumference away from you, so it means they will be guaranteed to not be within 13,333KM of your location at the moment you get the premonition.

What do you do with this knowledge? Try to save them? Or feel the guilt of their death forever, that you might’ve been able to prevent?

    4 days ago

    That’d be impossible for the psyche to actively pursue every single day.

    I would recognize my limitations and the framework of reality, and I’d probably just start a website that I update every morning. That’s pretty much all I can do if it’s daily. Ignoring it would feel horrible and guilty, but actively dedicating all my time to try and find these people on a daily basis? That’s a surefire recipe for burnout and still, very damaged psyche because of all of those I got close to but didn’t get in touch of in time.

    I hope, as it turns out to actually be true and the premonitions hold, word of mouth would get enough people interested that I can feel good enough about it, but also maintain the routine without fear of burning out.

      2 days ago

      Once people catch onto your website and find out you can actually predict death on some people you’ll also become rich, so that’s nice.