See point #2. Hand written notes can be kept as is, one thing that’s not mentioned in that link is that Joplin can also use OCR to change handwriting to typed.
That’s a Markdown editor with a separate drawing tool, not a notes app focused on handwriting. You can’t annotate a PDF or typed text or edit a drawing after it’s been created.
This is a very active project, things are added constantly, then optimised or tweaked or removed. Going through the releases it looks like their install packages get bigger over the span of a few months, then through optimisation gets shrunk down again. The above numbers are only for the windows full install package, but all their different packages have a very similar pattern of bloat followed by trimming. I don’t see how this is weird at all.
Doesn’t really solve my OneNote problem, as I run it on no fewer than 7 macOS, windows, iOS, and android devices.
Joplin has apps for all UNIX-likes(Mac, Win and Lin,) iOS(phone and pad variants), and Android. It can import Evernote and OneNote. It’s built to E2EE notes to cloud services, currently supporting: Joplin Cloud, Nextcloud, S3, WebDAV, Dropbox, OneDrive or the local file system.
If you’d like to fully tell M$ to get fucked…I can recommend self hosting NextCloud.
Not incredibly difficult to set up, I’m fairly fluent in Linux systems…but by no means a “Wizard”, and my self hosting knowledge is extremely minimal.
There’s other options out there, but Joplin has all the apps…
Do any of those focus primarily on handwriting for input and support macOS, android, and windows for offline input?
See point #2. Hand written notes can be kept as is, one thing that’s not mentioned in that link is that Joplin can also use OCR to change handwriting to typed.
That’s a Markdown editor with a separate drawing tool, not a notes app focused on handwriting. You can’t annotate a PDF or typed text or edit a drawing after it’s been created.
Not at all comparable.
Just dont why this executable is growing as hell in size… Look at the windows exe size
Oct 23 : 229mb
Now : 324mb
Since you tagged I’ll do the same so they see my counter…argument?
In it’s first release(2017) it was 50.3MB.
In Nov, 2024, it was 340MB. Oct, 2024, 327MB
6th Jan, 2024: 266MB
24th Oct, 2023: 229MB
21st Oct, 2023: 180MB
30th Jul, 2023: 214MB
23rd Jun, 2023: 196MB
This is a very active project, things are added constantly, then optimised or tweaked or removed. Going through the releases it looks like their install packages get bigger over the span of a few months, then through optimisation gets shrunk down again. The above numbers are only for the windows full install package, but all their different packages have a very similar pattern of bloat followed by trimming. I don’t see how this is weird at all.
What about this is actually concerning for you?