What should I do if I don’t have anything to enjoy and I don’t have a bright future to work for/ wait it?

As an extra note, I started to hate dealing with humans and I don’t have any friends.

  • green@feddit.nl
    7 days ago

    This is a discussion to have with professionals in a professional setting. No one here is responsibly equipped to answer this in a chat forum. This obviously includes me.

    That being said, I do not think about the future - live your life second-by-second.

    Despite what people say, life is not meant to be enjoyed. We live in a time of lawlessness and over-abundance, so people often equate life with enjoying things. At your core, you are a biological package of electrical circuits and tools. When you do something your body deems beneficial, you enjoy it (as in signals reward your brain).

    If you want to enjoy, then a general tip is to return to the fundamentals. Eat healthy food, exercise, explore, learn, and talk to people in real life. If this doesn’t work, then you need to speak with a professional (probably a therapist) to find what does.

    Hating humans is not viable, you simply need to stop that. This is not to say let yourself be abused and runover, but you need to form bonds with people - this is our inescapable nature.