With initial efforts aimed at swinging upcoming German elections and discrediting Ukraine, Russia's "Doppelganger" influence operations have expanded to the BlueSky social media platform. It took the Russians a while to get around to it, but they've finally begun running their disinformation operations on social media platform BlueSky. On January 17,…
I don’t trust anyone, surely everyone is lying. Both sides have a very strong interest on propagating opposite points of view. Framing Russia as the saviours of the Russian population in Crimea and Donetsk against Ukronazis is very beneficial to Russia, framing Russia as a war criminal country kidnapping children is very beneficial to NATO.
Remember Nayirah’s testimony? Remember the WMDs in Iraq?
I wonder if you would have felt that way about reports of the Holocaust in the 1940s… you can’t trust any of that propaganda. Everyone is lying. Maybe there is no genocide in Nazi Germany.
Also, again, if everyone is lying, they both are kidnapping children and they are not kidnapping children. Are these Schrödinger’s Children?
The Holocaust wasn’t well known and widely acknowledged in the Allies at the time of WW2 for some years, it’s a sad consequence of the information war between Nazis and the Allies. Soviet soldiers report being surprised and disgusted when liberating extermination and concentration camps from the Nazis.
I was talking about what you would have believed. But I guess the answer is you would have denied it was happening.
And you have not explained how, if both sides are lying about it, the children can be in a kidnapped/not kidnapped superposition.
I’m not denying anything, I’m asking to be careful with such accusations and with the references used