So recently I found out that google lens allows you to use a lens overlay to read news apps that are not in English. An example being “The Conversation” app.

I would like to trial it on other news apps from Europe and Asia. At the moment Australia’s world news is focused on America and the wars. Nothing incredibly wrong about receiving this news beause it is a concerning and scary time. I just would feel more comfortable knowing I had other options to learn about current affairs and not have language to be a barrier to entry.

World news apps are fine but ideally ones without a paywall. I want to make a little list to look through. Thank you!

-Edit: Thank you to the few that noticed my horrible error in the title. In truth, this was fixed in an earlier earlier today but the voyager app struggled to process the change. I will be more diligent next time before sending posts.

      16 hours ago

      That’s the app I use for reading the news.

      Not sure if it can translate foreign websites by itself, but there is plenty of translation websites for that.