It never was, but unlike the current batch of LLM assistants that are now dominating the tops of “search” results, it never claimed to be. It was more, “here’s what triggered our algorithm as “relevant.” Figure out your life, human.”
Now, instead, you have a paragraph of natural text that will literally tell you all about cities that don’t exist and confidently assert that bestiality is celebrated in Washington DC because someone wrote popular werewolf slash fanfic set in Washington state. Teach the LLMs some fucking equivocation and this problem is immediately reduced, but then it makes it obvious that these things aren’t Majel Barrett in Star Trek and they’ve been pushed out much too quickly.
LOL, I hadn’t thought of that, but you’re not wrong. I like that. 🤣
This is really what it comes down to. They don’t think of themselves as racist/sexist/homophobic because they don’t (all) reflexively reject someone because their innate characteristics. Instead, your obligation is to identify and adhere to certain cultural touchstones, political beliefs, and historical narratives. If you do that, then you don’t make them feel uncomfortable and you can be
dissolved in their acid bathpart of their melting pot. They’re also slightly more tolerant of people whom they code as weak or politically apathetic. Woe unto the person who thinks that you can be both different and assertive, though.