I hate to be an albatross around your neck, but it would serve you well to seek out opportunities to practice and hone your social skills. There’s definitely a wide variety of neurodivergence in the IT groups in my workplace, but you may have screwed yourself in terms of an opportunity to further build coping/masking skills that are sadly necessary in the workplace.
A commom refrain in many online spaces for experienced software devs and IT workers is that the job requires significantly more soft/social skills than most people are adequately prepared for by their studies. This also matches my personal experience coming up towards year 10 in IT, year 5 as a Systems Engineer/Admin/Scripting Monkey.
So when someone uses random sludge instead of ink and breaks the printer they can point at that as the cause.
It’s basic CYA. They’ll let you do whatever you want, but if something goes wrong and it breaks then you’re on your own.