If i deliver on everything in good time, get shit done thoroughly and at high quality, no one needs to ask and no one needs to know.
If i deliver on everything in good time, get shit done thoroughly and at high quality, no one needs to ask and no one needs to know.
This is me!!! Especially the relearning part 😆 Side bonus is I’m really good at reading docs(programming) now!
Gotta squash them bugs
Cunk - parodying Attenborough and cosmos style docs
Starship troopers - more of an active ignorance of source material
Happy Gilmore
Honestly it took me years to lose the American work mindset. It was destroying my brain.
Take the leave and feel no shame. Others are reacting because you taking leave challenges their understanding of work. Something that is exceedingly rare in the US.
Everything from Cool Zone Media
Knowledge Fight including spinoffs
Triple J The Hookup
Rude Tales of Magic
Many good ones on channel zero