You’d think such a simple protocol would be.
Arf! I’m Tony Bark. Artist and writer by day. Programmer by night. Gamer all the way.
Most of the reoccurring outlets I cite have an RSS feed that I subscribe to. Research is sourced from Science Daily.
You’d think such a simple protocol would be.
Yes, and no. Yes in that they’ve released the research papers, pretrained parameters and weights of the model itself. Which is more than I can say for “OpenAI.” But no in that it doesn’t include training data or other critical components. Luckily, they’ve shown how they did it which makes it easy for anyone else to reverse engineer the process. That’s what Altman is afraid of.
Good luck with that. DeepSeek has already been reverse engineered.
I was just thinking that. XD
Generally speaking, yes. My home server is just a Pi.
Great, now we got two “X” companies.
We had an internet desk. Was technically my mom’s computer but I used it so much that it might as well have been mine. Used to visit Cartoon Network’s website when I wasn’t playing Doom or Quake at that age. xD
Would you like gray goo with that?
We’ve been telling ya’ for years, years now.
“Sir, that’s impossible.”
I read the headline up until “he has made Apple what it is” and then I was, like…
To be fair, it was made with duct tape and string.
That’s just priceless. XD
Oh, I didn’t realize this was posted earlier. Thumbnail gave the wrong impression.
A month ago, we were all scratching our heads over WTF is going on and is it a bot or not. The fact that they’re not defending themselves and jumping instances to avoid bans suggests a bot. This needs to be made public.
If we don’t expose whatever this is, they’re just going to keep on doing it.
Which would probably have Jobs rolling in his grave. He was all for web apps. Hell, their first attempt at widgets on macOS were just web apps. That’s why he was so adamant about getting rid of Flash. He knew the technology was viable.