Who the hell is the manufacture to decide if a remote feature no longer functions? (I’m guessing people don’t rent these devices from Amazon - it’s your property).
I don’t need your concent, it’s in your best interests - Amazon
I mention software freedom whenever I can.
Profile avatar is “kiwi fruit” by Marius Schnabel. CC BY-SA 4.0 | I am not affiliated with OpenMoji.
Who the hell is the manufacture to decide if a remote feature no longer functions? (I’m guessing people don’t rent these devices from Amazon - it’s your property).
I don’t need your concent, it’s in your best interests - Amazon
Why 30 years, why not 10?
I watched a talk regarding a pacemaker/defibrillator incorrectly shocking a woman because she was an edge case (being younger and pregnant). She sought help from doctors who, as you may guess, knew nothing about the software. The manufactures ghosted her when asked for information, let alone source code. Some of them are wireless, vulnerable to attack. Being in control of any software running inside our bodies is an important issue to consider.
I hope no software is involved.
software update is available, heart will be restarting now
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I disagree, Mr Website.
Stop putting your wet iPhone in rice, says Apple. Instead buy a new one because we make repairing it artificially expensive by restricting the manufactures from selling parts and we just replace the whole motherboard every time!
Given it’s unrepresentative voting system I think how much is enough to be a democracy. T hot take for people that see democracy. Two parties to choose from is just one more than a clear dictatorship. If neither actually represents you then yeah it’s not healthy .