Just a 'lil guy on the web. Also on Mastodon: @sundray@mastodon.social and Pixey
For the last time, I didn’t leave a kill switch – I just refused to document anything!
I knew it, we somehow slipped into Dimension X!
I don’t like where this is going…
Please just show a little empathy.
You first, MAGAt.
They didn’t think their social services would be cut. They were told that undocumented people were bleeding the system dry, and there would be plenty to go around once they were removed. A blatant lie that conservative media and social-network bots repeated endlessly; instead of the truth that, in fact, social services would be cut to pay for high-income tax cuts.
That’s a great question. A lot of groups now feeling swindled seemed to believe the most bizarre, cockamamie nonsense, and nobody seems to know where that disinformation came from.
I think the Borg would take one look at me and declare me a total loss.