Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace, with Catch-22 a very close second.
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Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace, with Catch-22 a very close second.
Just to add to the terror, measles can strip away previously held immunities. Had chicken pox as a child? If you get (and survive) measles you might get chicken pox again!
Get vaccinated, folks!
Heaven would be somewhere that you can just do all the things you ever wanted to, with no restrictions on time or capability.
Want to know the answer to every mystery or conspiracy theory? Done.
Want to watch and savour every and any great old movie, with the full cinema experience? Not a problem.
Want to be a rock star, or a DJ, or a classical pianist? You are.
Want to be able to relive great moments from your life, happy times with your kids or your friends or your parents? It’s all just there for you whenever.
And there’s no boredom, and there’s no sadness, and there’s no rivalry. Just endless happy times.