Yes, and the difference is that facts show they are incorrect. False equivocation. “Man sells house after losing job” is not even remotely equal to “Haitians eat peoples’ pets.”
Yes, and the difference is that facts show they are incorrect. False equivocation. “Man sells house after losing job” is not even remotely equal to “Haitians eat peoples’ pets.”
I don’t understand why so many people are eager to (metaphorically) scream “FAKE!!!” at every story (that isn’t highly unlikely) told on the internet. Sure, maybe, but does it even matter? Odds are good something like this did happen somewhere.
Easy to say, hard to do.
Maybe it’s real, maybe not, but it’s certainly plausible.
At least Europe has actual left-wing parties. Here it’s right-wing or full-on nazi.
The Democrats don’t represent most of the people who vote for them, either. They’re just not nearly as bad as Republicans.
Republican voters vote for the leopards to eat not just theirs, but everyones’ faces. Well, everyone who’s who’s not rich, anyway. Democrats in power enable the leopards to eat more faces, even though their voters did not vote for it.