It seems from the description that there’s the length of the request there stored in 11 bits, hell knows why, so max of 2046 (682*3, that’s 683*3 = 2049 if starting with 1), and one symbol takes an increment of 3, hell knows why.
That’s, ahem, yes, a pretty gross mistake for such rhyming companies, the kind only I am allowed to make.
I’m technically not interested in any other kinds of discussions, but even explaining what this particular kind is takes work even from the closest people to me, so - compromises are to be made, weird posts are to be typed and sent.
That’s the “planted gods for the lesser races”, “taught Minbari hyperspace travel”, “sent that Inquisitor guy with nice former hobbies” kind of Vorlons, right? Very cryptic.
I’m glad we don’t disagree.