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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 14th, 2024


  • Jesus o.o nearly 0.1mg/liter?

    Maybe I’m really bad at unit conversions, someone correct my math:

    human is 5L of blood (or 50dL)

    98ug/L => 9.8ug/dL

    15% of that gets absorbed if ingested

    9.8 * 0.15 = 1.47ug/dL absorbed (per dL injested)

    Your blood levels exceed worker exposure limits at 60ug/dL, and poisoning ranges from 30ug/dL to 330ug/dL.

    So for this, if you drink a little more than 4L of water (which isn’t that hard to do) you’ve exceeded your exposure limits.

    Idk how long you’ve been drinking that water, but I would maybe get checked out by a doctor?

  • Nope! It has a range of speeds. The PWM signal it provides also produces something called “counter-electromotive force”. I don’t remember the exact specifics, but if this measurement falls (corresponding with a drop in blooded pressure) it will increase the pump speed (up to the maximum RPM permitted).

    That is how our circulatory system works as well - a drop in blood pressure usually results in an increase to heart rate. I say usually, because I coincidentally have a nervous disorder where this is broken - an increase in heart rate will drop my blood pressure. A drop in blood pressure will also increase my heart rate, which then drops my blood pressure, which causes a runaway and I faint.