Burn, Burn, Burn by Ronnie Elliott is now stuck in my head.
A cranky biologist who means well. My hobbies include long walks off short piers and anything science related.
Burn, Burn, Burn by Ronnie Elliott is now stuck in my head.
“Leopard-face” replies masquerading as a substantive comment that adds something to the discussion.
It’s really no better than: “This”
Did you read the article? This is a ground based system.
YouTube is not a legitimate source. The prof is fine but video only links are for the semi literate. It is frankly rude to post a minor comment and expect people to endure a video when a decent reader can absorb the main points from text in 20 seconds.
Your colleague is a dick for not backing you up.
When I was in retail (Apple Store), we had a saying “Don’t feed the bears”. Meaning if you give in to petulant outbursts, the offender will keep coming back and asking for more.
You forgot to link a legitimate source.
At least I have found something I have in common with AI search engines.
Wreck it!