Fuck me. You might be right, as I haven’t actually used the stock launcher since the big ad update years back.
I just remembered my original launcher having a lot of a Nvidia specific integrations, but I guess those could have just been bolted on at the system level.
I’m confused. Are you saying YOU can’t tell the difference, or that their is no technical difference?
Because, anecdotally, I’ve owned a variety of these devices, and I can absolutely tell the difference. Which sucks, because I bought cheaper devices hoping for reasonable parity of experience. I’m not saying my cheaper devices are bad, just that clearly the Shield TV performs better.
As to the actual specs, there is also clearly a real world difference between the bog standard Amlogic SoC (1/8, 2/8, 2/16), and the Tegra SoC.
It’s entirely reasonable to argue that the difference isn’t worth the extra cost, fine. But it’s dishonest to say there is no appreciable difference.
TBF I haven’t used the newer “low cost” Shield with the 2/16 Tegra SoC, so I can’t really speak to how it performs relative to something like Chromecast with Google TV.