Yeah they do it because it works. I’ve seen several who make otherwise good content talk about it in their videos and make comments about how stupid it is bit they basically have to to be competitive.
Yeah they do it because it works. I’ve seen several who make otherwise good content talk about it in their videos and make comments about how stupid it is bit they basically have to to be competitive.
The entire phrase I used was “anything beyond the absolute basics”. Meaning it only works on basic things. Just because you fixated on a word doesn’t mean it was “key”.
I’ve had to fix literally every piece of code, scripting, email, or whatever else I’ve tried to use it for. The only time it’s moderately successful is if I give it very explicit instructions on information I need from a document or website and it can accomplish about as much as hitting ctrl+F and doing a search, and even then it throws in random bullshit from the internet if it can’t find all the information I asked for. Even when I explicitly tell it to stick to the source. If you have some examples of how you’re using it effectively I’d love to hear them because it’s been absolute trash for me.
Then I guess they can’t use it… Unless the owner wants to cut them some kind of deal.
a fully correct result on anything I’ve asked beyond the absolute basics.
Please read the entire comment. Of course it can answer simple stuff. So can a google search. It’s overkill for simple shit.
I’ve used them and have yet to get a fully correct result on anything I’ve asked beyond the absolute basics. I always have to go in and correct some aspect of whatever it shits out. Scraping every bit of data they can get their hands on is only making the problem worse.
Billionaires control our government so nationalizing it is no different.
There are works that are free to use. They could also compensate copyright holders for their work. As they should since they are profiting from it.
Why? Nothing they’ve shat out is good for anything anyway.
Okay yeah looking at it now it sounds weird lol.
LGV20 gang. I dread the day that my work apps stop working because the android version is too old.
This whole promise hinged on the idea that Siri, Alexa, Gemini, ChatGPT, and other chatbots had gotten so good, they’d change how we do everything. Typing and tapping would soon be passé, all replaced by multimodal, omnipresent AI helpers. You wouldn’t need to do things yourself; you’d just tell your assistant what you need, and it would tap into the whole world of apps and information to do it for you. Tech companies large and small have been betting on virtual assistants for more than a decade, to little avail. But this new generation of AI was going to change things.
I have never and will never interact with my phone by speaking to it and I don’t want to be around other people who are doing that. The beauty of a touch screen and buttons is you can silently operate the device. Software can always be updated. They should be focusing on hardware features if they want to be innovative. Maybe they could start by adding back some of the shit they’ve removed.
I agree with you in principle but in practice way too many sites are doing ads in bullshit ways. If they were just along a sidebar or at the top/bottom of the page I’d have no issue but usually they affect the actual usability of the site and I’m not dealing with that. If they want to expose me to ads they need to make it not a problem for me.
They’re selective about who’s protected by that rule too. I got banned for saying shit about child molesters while there was simultaneously a thread on the front page with people saying the same shit about a business executive. Those comments were still up weeks after I appealed my ban asking what the difference was. Never got an answer.
Anytime I have to replace a device I find it incredibly frustrating. It certainly seems like technology is regressing. I’ve had the same phone since 2016 because nothing I’ve looked at has enough of it has to replace it and doesn’t offer anything better to make up for those deficiencies. My mouse recently developed an issue that had me looking at potential replacements and again almost nothing currently available matches it or was even close. I found two that were potentially not a downgrade and one of those had awful reviews. Instead I’m just buying the part to fix it and hopefully I’ll be able to keep limping it along for the foreseeable future. Same goes for my car. Nothing new that I’ve seen appeals to me. They’re all loaded down with infotainment bullshit that’s just a pain in the ass to deal with. Those were just 3 off the top of my head. At least with software you can usually find something open source that does what you want, but if it has to be manufactured by someone else you can forget about it.
I’m not a psychologist or whatever to say how long but the dad should get as much leave as the mother does to help deal with all the new baby shit and bond with the child.
You should take all the time you can get. Fuck other people’s expectations.