The fact that Syncthing seems to solve CGNAT on its own has me wondering why there are not more solutions for the server/home side.
Why does Wireguard or any other VPN not work like Tailscale or Zerotier?
Why don’t torrent clients can’t work with IPv6 to seed more?
Why doesn’t Plex adopt a similar mechanic like Syncthing to expose the media over the Internet instead of being a prisoner of CGNAT?
I know I am just throwing different options with my personal frustrations lol, but I hope you get what I am trying to mean, Plex, torrent and home VPN users shouldn’t become masters at networking, especially when the documentation for the tools IS NOT ENOUGH.
Zerotier wasn’t always Tailscale was it?
You need to be connectable to download from all the peers, likewise non connectable users can’t download from you, and how do you become connectable? By opening your ports, something that might seem archaic from somebody who has totally embraced IPv6.
Yeah maybe.
Just to clarify, I have several workarounds for the 3 issues that have involved spending more money or not to get rid of CGNAT.
For the 1st one… Well I already mentioned it, I am a ZT and Tailscale user, I did try Wireguard from a VPS once though, but I didn’t like that I was entirely dependant of my upload speed, maybe I had my Iptables wrongly configured but I usually got faster speeds just using ZT or Tailscale (I didn’t need to relay in the US VPS server).
For Torrenting… I actually haven’t found a solution to use IPv6… I did use a container client to use my VPS at that time though, it being Digital Ocean and thus getting a DMCA letter for downloading TWD me being a LATAM user was… A kinda funny experience, with that said I stopped that project immediately, it was fun to give back to the community with my 24/7 NAS always seeding though.
For the last point… Well, I do use ZT and Tailscale to access the server myself, but when I want to expose it, I usually do it with a reverse proxy pointing out to my IPv6 address, and more recently using a Tailscale funnel, I haven’t tried it thoroughly, but at least it seems to connect without using Plex’s relays.
As you can see, one needs to be well prepared with workarounds to deal with CGNAT.