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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 13th, 2024

  • The funny thing is that the YT comment section was almost immediately brigaded by Elmo suckups that complained the tester was using Autopilot and not the latest version of FSD, completely forgoing the point that the LiDar vehicle stopped despite any automation systems being turned on.

    This was a test of the emergency braking systems of both cars in as close to real world scenarios as possible. Whether you run over a child in heavy rain or dense fog should not be dependent on whether the driver remembered to turn certain safety systems on prior to departure.

    It’s a massive fail for Tesla, and it is the closest scientific proof that the Elmo is a rich daddy boy with shit for brains. Once you have that level of money and leverage, you simply can make the most stupid decisions ever, and keep falling upwards. Meanwhile real people are dying almost weekly in his vehicles, and reporters and news organisations are scared shitless to report on them because he can cause lots of pain with his imaginary cash. Not to mention no govt agency will investigate properly because he’s got root access to that too. All those deaths are entirely preventable.

    Keep burning them, keep protesting at the dealerships. This truly could be the first billionaire we bring down. Watch him activate the OTA kill switch in every Tesla before they go under too. He’s thát kind of baby. Ironically that would save a lot of lives.

  • If we had access to IP’s and the subnets they belong to, I wouldn’t be surprised all these comments (the “MAGA fired employee” and the Brexiteer apologists) originate from the same building even. I find it strange that even now that there is a US president who is clearly working for a nation that isn’t his own, that people still think MAGA have had enough education to form multi paragraph arguments.

    If they installed a US president with over 2-3 decades of grooming, what makes you think (after cambridge analytica and Eddy Snowden (he’s in RUS, living for free. In return for what?))… what makes anyone think they haven’t fully perfected this “pretending to be MAGA” in the comment section?

    They didn’t stop after the election. They didn’t stop after election day. It is decade long information warfare, and it will continue. This is why the orange man decided to stop all cyber protection against RUS.

    The USA is under permanent attack from outside and inside and the majority is too busy surviving to see even their suburbs were designed to prevent uprisings.