Yep, their site is a marvel of organization and refreshing in how minimalist it has remained. These days it seems every e-commerce site hits you with email sign up pop-ups, sales banners, etc.
Yep, their site is a marvel of organization and refreshing in how minimalist it has remained. These days it seems every e-commerce site hits you with email sign up pop-ups, sales banners, etc.
In addition to self-hosting, I’ll throw out a few other alternatives:
DRM-free is important IMO because otherwise you’re at the mercy of the platform and if the company ever changes its Terms of Use or wipes your account, you lose your purchases. Amazon have remotely deleted books from users’ libraries in the past or replaced them with modified copies (e.g. Roald Dahl books). Kindle announced last month they won’t let you download your eBooks via USB so it’s possible Audible could see changes for the worse in the future as well.
At this stage in life, Infinite Jest and A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again.
For comics, I really liked Calvin and Hobbes.