I think it’s basically just bittorrent.
something between a viola and a cello
Most of us are not programmers who need something to help “efficiency” up our speed of making code.
This presupposes that programmers need that shit either, which also isn’t true.
The state of computer literacy and media literacy is appalling.
Reminds me of March 24 to November 10, 2001, when Apple had embraced Unix and – to some extent – open source by releasing OS X, but had not yet pivoted towards glued-shut and DRM’d consumer electronics by releasing the iPod.
No, fuck that and quit bootlicking. Software makers did just fine without telemetry for decades; your supposed justification is nothing but a bullshit lazy excuse.
Sigh… that’s just yet another example of how defective these idiots are. Being punished for crime B is not “justice” for crime A, and the fact that this perp got let out early because the regime changed its mind about crime B is a perfect example of one of the reasons why.
Because the more commercial they get, the more they stray from their original purpose as a charity to provide low-cost machines for kids to learn about computer science.
First there was the Dynabook, then OLPC, then Raspberry Pi, and now we’ve basically got to start over yet again because enshittification is imminent.
I’ve got a couple of those that I bought shortly after the LTT video, but I’m still using my Roku because I still haven’t gotten around to jailbreaking and configuring them.