“The working class folk who can easily afford luxury cars, you’re just mad they got a Tesla and not a Lambo.”
If I had the money for a Tesla I’d be better off in general.
I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.
Anarchist/libsoc. If we’re stuck with a government, it should use its taxes for healthcare and education, not murdering.
“The working class folk who can easily afford luxury cars, you’re just mad they got a Tesla and not a Lambo.”
If I had the money for a Tesla I’d be better off in general.
He has always been a con artist, I don’t know why people act like “Oh how did you know Musk was a bad guy in 2015? Impossible!”
It really is, I suspect the people replying to you own Teslas and are trying to go “N-no I gave money to him and I never knew he was an asshole for 30 years!”
Fuck every Tesla owner. Unironically, they knew what they bought.
Downvotes coming from Telsa owners who have buyer’s remose for giving a Nazi money, i assume.
I hope they lose money because they bought a 1939 Volkswagan with an electric motor on it, and then claimed
Well how was I meant to know the man who lives on the internet 24/7 and can’t shut up about his opinions of women, non-whites, fascism, lgbt, and lies like he needs his pants to be warm for the winter, was somehow a bad guy? I bought a cool sticker, so I’m absolved of giving him any money :^)
These people bought them because they thought he was a real life Tony Stark, especially the early models and Cybertrucks. I consider everyone driving in one a useful idiot for Trump and Musk.
Either we can now have full authority to do anything we want with copyright, or the companies have to have to abide the same rules the plebs and serfs have to and only take from media a century ago, or stuff that fell through the cracks like Night of the Living Dead.
Copyright has always been a farce and a lie for the corporations, so it’s nothing new that its “Do as I say, not as I do.”
When it’s owned and operated by a literal open bigot and the fact it only became popular after the bigot was removed from his office chair because of it? Yes, that’s a valid reason.
Brave evangelists are the ones who enabled him to do this, they love it.
They’re crying with joy, not rage or fear.
Always has been. I considered anyone who used it slightly sus until further proof. And if they basically advertised it, I considered them too far gone to try anything else.
Right wing asshole shows to the world again that they never improved and are even more of a right wing asshole.
This is why I never used Brave anything longer than a brief look. Fuck this dude, I’m glad Mozilla removed him.
I thought Thunderbird was a separate entitiy from Mozilla these days? And K-9 isn’t owned by Thunderbird either? Am I mistaken?
Can confirm with my fetish. Some great artists and live actors who do it, but 90% of the content for it online is bad MS Paint level edits and horrid acting with props. That 10%? God tier, the community showers them in praise and commissions and only stop when they want to, unless a payment service like Visa or Patreon censors them and their livelihood as consenting adults.
The fact that a .world is aruging to use this weird homophobic video as a protest is just proving your point.
It’s like how people think sharing that one image of Putin with drag make up is somehow a Gotcha to Putin, who probably doesn’t even care. Wow, ya sure showed that dictator by posting a meme that uses gay stereotypes!
Here’s my take on it:
Yeah I hate Musk and Trump for lots of things. I don’t think using “haha they might be kissing each other! Musk sucks Trumps dick!” is somehow effective criticism of actual fascists in office.
Maybe we can criticize and protest and organize without using shit rooted in queerphobia. Might as well just say “Well Trump probably cross dresses, that shows him!”
America has next to no protections for tenants, only landlords.
Why do you care so much what an article says about France’s accomplishments of science and China’s accomplishments of science? Why can’t we enjoy the movement of technology without bickering about lines drawn in the sand by people none of us know or care about?
Same, word of mouth is how I found lemmy. Beehaw, then a few others, now I’m here on db0.
And they claim we’re the idiots when we can see the history and facts and have memories longer than a gold fish.