What? I had no idea! I manually migrated my subscriptions over when I switched!
It was hard for me, so I vote everyone must manually do it, for character building or some such bullshit.
Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!
Check out DharmaCurious.neocities.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!
What? I had no idea! I manually migrated my subscriptions over when I switched!
It was hard for me, so I vote everyone must manually do it, for character building or some such bullshit.
I always mention whenever I see libro.fm brought up: if you don’t have a local store you want to support for whatever reasons, Firestorm in Asheville, North Carolina is a fantastic refuge for the local queer community, it’s a worker cooperative, and they’re struggling to survive. Please consider them if there isn’t another local place in your own community. With the big book stores and then Amazon, a lot of communities don’t have a physical local shop anymore, so if someone has a plug for their local, I think it’s worth making on these kinds of threads.