I’m talking about “X OSS software in version Y needed Z second to do this precise job”. Not “compare MFLOPS”.
I’m talking about “X OSS software in version Y needed Z second to do this precise job”. Not “compare MFLOPS”.
I’m against the death penalty in all cases. But if the law of the country admits the killing of someone for killing people is a little cynical to blame someone for doing exactly the same the government does.
Then everyone banned or permabanned should end the complain with something like “and I’m opening an account in Lemmy. Farewell”.
If you think about it, what would be the punishment for someone that killed thousands of innocent people in the US? I guess it would be a death sentence. So the person that killed that CEO did exactly the job a non compromised US federal estate had to do.
A vote is a “mini comment”.
Just like it was in the early internet.
The question should be then what ARM CPU compares to current RISC-V best CPU and see the gap in years.
I have another idea: echolocation and laser measurement.