All of these things except the AirPad were released at about the same time they were announced. That’s what I was getting at.
All of these things except the AirPad were released at about the same time they were announced. That’s what I was getting at.
That’s always been their MO though. Take a recent innovation, and implement it better. That always means it’s later than tech from other places, but they get it “right”. Yes, I know that’s subjective.
In the case of AI, they scrambled to announce the feature with barely any work done on it. Had they kept mum about Apple Intelligence features for a year or so and then revealed, that would be the Apple way.
This is what happens when you get pressure to please shareholders instead of customers. Historically, Apple has been good about revealing and delivering at the same time. But caught with their pants down during the AI hype, they fell into the trap so many other tech companies do. (Tesla is the undisputed heavyweight champ here)
Now that they’ve been burned by all this, here’s hoping they learn from it and return to form.
I hear ya. Being told I was going to die within a couple years and getting my brain drilled through my skull, the normal petty fears melt away. Totally over the fear of needles now. You and are in the “I should be dead, IDGAF” club now 🤝
There’s a lot of hyperbole out there about quality and repair costs. I know people want to devalue the brand any way they can, I don’t fault that. But, my first-release Model 3 was a really great car. I’m really going to miss it.
As I was walking away after selling it, I couldn’t help but say “it’s not your fault, buddy. You didn’t deserve this and I will always have a place in my heart for you. You were merely a victim of evil beyond our control. Good night, sweet prince.”
Carvana bought mine at a decent price. I imagine the coming glut will have them refusing to buy Teslas outright. Other enraged Tesla owners should unload theirs asap.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see it. But they have so much power and money and military that they could declare martial law and lock it all down before that. They own things other than money: property, supplies, land. Yes, hungry people would go after that, but this isn’t the French Revolution. The weapons of the elite are much more powerful now.
They’re trying the “buy EVs to own the libs” angle. It’s a bold strategy, Cotton….
Yeah don’t wait for that. You’ll only be disappointed.
But then how would they force it on other people? Think of the children, man.
“Don’t worry, everything happens for a reason.”
That “reason” could be shitty decisions, power beyond your control, or sheer bad luck. But we all know it’s just thinly-veiled religious indoctrination.