I know multiple IRL women who don’t share your complaints about Lemmy. Maybe people are shitty to you because you’re shitty to them.
I know multiple IRL women who don’t share your complaints about Lemmy. Maybe people are shitty to you because you’re shitty to them.
No, the downvotes are because nobody was victimizing her here but she went off on a rant and called me horrible things that I don’t deserve to be called. Sexism can go in any direction and I don’t tolerate any of it.
Where can I see my total number of likes on Facebook?
We have that here too. FlyingSquid comes to mind.
You implied that they didn’t read the short post, when they clearly did.
That would require signing in and allowing tracking.
My level of shitposting has increased dramatically ever since I learned that I’m not just trolling the person I replied to, but future generations to come. You gotta have a legacy you’re proud of before you kick the bucket, ya know what I mean?
Society grows great when old men plant shitposts whose shade they know they shall never sit in.
iRobot started off as a defense contractor making mine clearing algorithms or some such vaporware.
Do you beat your clothes on a rock down by the river too?
It was originally at up to leech government funding for “weapons research”. I guess I’m old because nobody here seems to remember that.
Were you unaware of the last 10 years of Niantec/Google openly admitting that they were using camera and location data to train their models? Were you blinded by the fun of the game? Or did you just think the data you were uploading wasn’t that important?
Who is “they”? Nobody made that bullshit promise except the Nazi in Chief.
Regulations work!
I like the full screen size. Slide out keyboards are GOAT.
Trust is earned, and automakers have done nothing but the opposite for an entire lifetime. There’s a reason everyone was so desperate for Tesla to be the little guy rebel. It didn’t work out though :(
I’ve been assured that tHe MaRkEt will solve everything, though!
Google was mad they aren’t getting their cut.
My government emergency alerts :(
Oracle doesn’t know how to write software. Only contracts and lawsuits.