Damn, that definitely looks very cool. Probably expensive too lol. But exactly what these touchscreen phones need.
I am not a number.
Damn, that definitely looks very cool. Probably expensive too lol. But exactly what these touchscreen phones need.
Especially for gaming. My old Nokia N81 kicked this rectangular piece of glass’s ass when it comes to gaming because I could actually comfortably play games that weren’t turn based and didn’t need to slap an overlay onto the screen.
Yeah there’s no good reason for a limit. Having no character limit doesn’t stop people from making short posts if they want. If they don’t want long posts taking up half the page, then they should just hide the rest of the text behind a ‘see more’ prompt once it goes over 300 characters.
On a platform like Bluesky I can kinda understand if they limited replies to posts to 300 characters, so that people don’t get walls of text in their inboxes but the original top post should be unlimited IMO.
“Dear Republicans. When I voted to have people’s rights stripped away and their lives ruined, I didn’t think it included me!”
Eat shit, asshole.
I definitely understand the aversion to algorithms because just look at what platforms like Facebook, Twitter or even Reddit these days do with them. In the wrong hands, it’s deceptive and dodgy as fuck.
But I wouldn’t be opposed to an algorithm that you can tailor yourself. And I don’t mean Bluesky style ‘tailoring’, I mean give us a list of interests and categories to toggle that then have more weight in the feed. So for example, if you like metal, you would then see more metal related stuff in your feed and not have it downed out by Taylor Swift and Kanye West because upvotes.
And something I picked up from Facebook (even though it doesn’t work for shit on Facebook because their algorithm is mentally handicapped) is being able to ‘favourite’ something. And by doing that, not just pinning it to the top of the list of communities but actually making it appear in your feed more whether the upvotes are a high amount or not.