I can guarantee you they wouldn’t (solely) be used for pur benefit
I can guarantee you they wouldn’t (solely) be used for pur benefit
It’s generally not a good idra to give others access to your home network
Why does Wireguard or any other VPN not work like Tailscale or Zerotier?
tailscale and zerotier are wireguard, but with a public server that helps with NAT. Syncthing uses a public server for that too.
wireguard was specifically made to be as simple and minimalistic as possible.
Why don’t torrent clients can’t work with IPv6 to seed more?
is there such a problem? honest question. But I think that might be a different issue
Why doesn’t Plex adopt a similar mechanic like Syncthing to expose the media over the Internet instead of being a prisoner of CGNAT?
maybe they just don’t see working on it profitable enough
openvpn and apache can be very time consuming to set up if you do it for the first time
username checks out. I’m not even joking. no web browser has had XP support for years by now, even firefox dropped it for 7 I think last year
which is fine if you deny network connections for it with a per-process firewall. but with a webapp you can never be sure that they won’t snatch your documents.
no office software requires admin eighter unless you want to install it for all users
They also work on android and IOS.
I can imagine it’ll be a 160 MB app that loads the website in a webview, like it usually is
at first I was thinking the subscription is for when you don’t host your own server but you use theirs. but it seems they limit client-side features even when you use your own server. that’s interesting
yeah but if you share it with people, they’ll still see the clickbait thumbnail, and that’s the actual problem
ublock already has part of that library
50% is too little if you want to allow that
I’ve come close to writing a plugin to help you skip these ads.
a few ublock rules would probably do the job. it’s possible to even run premade scriptlets to fix up a website
oh I didn’t know there’s a fiber box in 100m at any place in the country! tell that to my ISP who cant serve any internet through the landline telephone cable because it’s too far from distribution! oh and also to all the customers of microwave wireless networks.
and this doesn’t even need to be on the countryside! It’s a problem here even in villages that the ISP is not allowed to run any cables on the high voltage electric poles!
I know plent of places in my European country where cable does reach, but was made for landline phones and cannot carry any data for internet because its so far from the nearest distribution center. even wireless like microwave can’t sustain more than a quality camera feed
cat 6 in every home lol. you have any idea about range of cat 6? I mean, any?
yes but they don’t need a cloud service, neither scanning your home to function
I budgeted to be able to buy something good, not just good enough.
but those were good, a few years ago. and they are still good. It’s not like performance doubles every 2 or so years, afaik not even near to that. there are a few games from the worst publishers that run garbage on any hardware or only run acceptably on topmost of top tier hardware, but I just ignore the mediocre products of them.
It’s really not lemmy’s fault when this is the original title
in every meaning of the word