I wish there was a way to spin up an IRL virtual machine and show Americans what the two presidencies would look like in real time, and make it compulsory to watch. Then let people vote on Nov 5th. And make it required.
It fucking sucks when people don’t vote, and we end up with evil idiots who trash our country, our climate, and our people. Not to mention our allies and our economy. It’s so preventable.
Paternity leave is a no brainer for families of all stripes. Both spouses should have time off to care for their children in the first year of their life, especially during the vulnerable first year before they are immunized against dangerous diseases. And I’m in a same sex relationship, so I’m definitely using it when we are ready to have kids, haha.
Honestly, each parent should have 6 mo of paid leave.
Edit: adding onto this, all men’s bathrooms should have changing stations. It’s insane that some women’s do, but men’s do not.