Maybe even more.
Maybe even more.
As an Earl Gray drinker, no. I don’t watch ST.
Some areas will be hit with a double whammy: Unemployed due to Trump playing tariff roulette, and then no social security.
One has to give it to Canada, China, and the EU: They know where it hurts.
First of all, don’t drink that stuff, and don’t water your plants with it.
Loads of metals (Lead!) and still acidic. Not good. What is the source of the acidity? CO2? Acidity leads to metals getting dissolved, so this might the the point where to look.
Have a look at https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/national-primary-drinking-water-regulations - This does not sound good for your case.
Your worst problem is definitely the lead. Look at https://www.epa.gov/lead/will-my-filter-remove-lead for more information.
AND: Download the information from EPA - you’ll never know how long they will still be available under the current administration.
Ages ago, before i started to teach my techniques to the masses, i was considered the international specialist in that field. I have withdrawn since then, but I am still good.
If their whole financial system is built on getting the next paycheck or else, this is quite to be expected. He might even be smart (for a magahead) putting it on the market as early as possible instead of clinging to it.
In my generation, a “fag” was a leftover of a cigarette.
The idea is not to have three worthless announcements per week. They can get better all they want, and come back once they have tangible results.
I.e. just another worthless quantum benchmark.
Of course. Not a single quantum computer has done anything but test programs and quantum-specific benchmarks. Until a quantum computer finally does something a normal computer regularly does, but faster, we should simply ignore this area.
EDIT: could the downvoters state a single occasion where a quantum computer outmatched a normal computer on a real problem. And with that I mean something more elaborate than winning naughts and crosses, or something like that.
That is the point: The pure threat of being forced to open that code could shift the business model to not have proprietary server / cloud code at all.
So pirating full works for commercial use suddenly is “fair use”, or what? Lets see what e.g. Disney says about this.
So pirating full works suddenly is fair use, or what?
How about getting forced to go open source when they abandon a product?
I remember when Thomas called me to show me something new: like Gopher, but with hypertext. And I have been on the original web server, Tim Barners-Lee’s NeXT cube.
So primarily a server administration failure, inviting anyone to take them down.
It was never up in this house.
No docker. Plain executable.
I do regularly have issues with radicale, for years now. One is that it does not work properly after boot. I have to SSH in, kill the radicale process, and restart it.
It is the fediverse welcome package.