Also try looking up random medications names and see what comes up ? As a complete layman that is usually what I do when I (or a family member) am taking or about to take some new meds. Of course with a generalist scientific background, the best I can do is try to compare different sources and apply some critical thinking/common sense, but I assume a lot of people don’t do that (and be fair, I don’t always do it either). And/or trust the doctors who are sometimes incompetent self-important assholes (not generalizing at all, but I’ve heard and seen first hand my fair share of horror stories)
Yeah my comment is probably not that useful to you since I am in France where the medical misinformation issues are different from other countries. Here it’s illegal to advertise drugs that are only sold with a prescription, but pharmaceutical companies sell all kinds of make-believe bullshit drugs that are basically expensive placebos.
Here’s a couple of pics of some funny ones a friend saw in a pharmacy just the other week
(The right one says “doubts - indecision”…)