I think it is a trap to think about it this way. My hobbies are meant to bring me joy and challenge, no matter what level i am on
I think it is a trap to think about it this way. My hobbies are meant to bring me joy and challenge, no matter what level i am on
Bold and controversial choice for pizza topping, but noone complained yet
i just asked gemini that, and is listed celesteele or what and another with the same weight. i checked this link
and it seems to check out. weird it would screw that up for you…
I recently got apple intelligence on my phone, and i had to google around to see what it really does. i couldn’t quite figure it out to be honest. I think it is related to siri somehow (which i have turned off, because why would that be on?) and apparently it could tie into an apple watch (which i don’t have), so i eventually concluded that it doesn’t do anything as of right now. Might be wrong though.
finally somebody asking the real questions.
I find them to be overprivileged