Bet he also had a $100k truck parked in front of that home. Bought with a loan with 12% interest
It’s a powerful tool that you shouldn’t use as a book keeping tool and ledger for a company that manages $16B. And I’ve worked on a trading floor of a big energy company. Excel was only used within departments as a tool for the employees not as the entire companies financial administration.
Wasn’t that because they desperately needed a new OS and just acquired Steve Jobs’ company NeXT who had an OS called NeXTSTEP which was based on Mach kernel and BSD. They didn’t embrace Unix and open sourcing out of goodwill.
Because cars are status symbols and people are fucking stupid. So of course capitalists exploit these dumdums. There are even companies where you can rent-to-own tire rims. And of course those companies make hundreds of millions a year.