Exactly, and accident in aviation are never because of one factor but rather multiple of them, and Murphy’s law.
Handling an engine flame out is ok. But in reality it might be an engine flame out + icing conditions + OVC008 + non precision approach + windshear on short final.
AI pilot would have quit the seat a long time ago, leaving the self loading flesh bags at the rear alone.
ATC here and the only time we consider an aircraft safe is when it’s at the airport. That’s why slots exists. As annoying as they can be, better have the aircraft on ground at DEP rather than holding to wait for the thunderstorm to pass.
Between 15 to maybe 30h a week.
Working shifts in ATC at 80% so it is always different depending on the roastering office, some weeks can be 4 days of work, other could be 5 days off.
I believe it is officially 28h a week (14 days of 8h a month) but unofficially a working day is around 5 to 6 hours, not 8 (paid pause included, + unlimited sick days + minimum 6 weeks paid vacation. Hooray Europe!)