My name’s not Rick.
Move fast and break things, brah!
Everything after Harambe died in 2016 has sucked
I don’t disagree with the sentiment but PoGo has been pretty trash for a while now
Unless that’s the ghost of Teddy Roosevelt then I agree
Graugnard said while he supports government efficiency, he “didn’t vote for it to be implemented the way it’s being implemented.”
So, “they’re not hurting the right people!”
“I voted confidently with the intent that it was going to be done in a way that was technocratic and efficient and a bit more rational, and that’s not what happened,” Graugnard said.
Someone’s not paying attention.
Still, Graugnard said he does not regret voting for Trump.
“I still support all of the goals of the administration, and I think that I can respectfully disagree with the way those things are carried out,” he said.
There it is! Way to go, you dipshit bootlicker.
Agreed, I was mostly joking, but there are still algorithms that drive the hot and controversial sorting. The fact that you can look up how those algorithms work is also a major difference.
Yes! Full agree
Continues scrolling lemmy
“I was telling the officer, if I can give him ID, but he said just keep my hands up, not moving,” Machado told Quiñonez. “After that, he told me to get out of the car and put the handcuffs on me. And then he went to me and said how did I get into this country and if I was waiting for a court date or if I have any case. And I told him I was an American citizen, and he looked at his other partner like, you know, smiling, like saying, can you believe this guy? Because he asked the other guy, ‘Do you believe him?’”
Just a fun game to smile at for ICE. Pull an American citizen out of their car at gunpoint for being brown, whoopsies! Fucking bastards
Can you dipshits please stop downvoting news you don’t like?
Reminds me of “PROJECT FEAR” in the brexit debate
Alejandra ultimately decided to “self-deport” to Mexico, rather than turn herself in to be detained and then deported. After 20 years in the United States, she no longer has family or friends in the country, so she chose Merida, a city in the Yucatan where a small community of deported military spouses might help her.
Pretty pathetic that a community of deported military spouses exists there. So much for “supporting the troops”.
I’m always reminded of this story when I think of Leopards ate my face
On Monday, the New York Times’s Patricia Mazzei published a dispatch from Marianna, Florida — a small, politically conservative town that depends on jobs from a federal prison and thus has been deeply hurt by the government shutdown. In the piece, Marianna residents grapple with the fact that President Donald Trump, who most residents support, is playing a role in the pain created by lost wages.
Most Marianna residents support Trump’s border wall, his key demand in the shutdown fight, and don’t blame him for the fight. But Crystal Minton, a secretary at the prison who is also a single mother caring for disabled parents, had a somewhat different reaction — one that reveals an essential truth about the core Trump’s political appeal.
“I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this,” Minton told Mazzei. “I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”
Crystal had her face eaten and I’m partly sad the leopard didn’t keep going because Crystal sounds like she probably deserves it
Accidentally voted my wife into lockup… Whoopsies