Same, it’s been too many years. But if I had a wish I could alter time and it never would have been cancelled.
Same, it’s been too many years. But if I had a wish I could alter time and it never would have been cancelled.
Nobody is this stupid. You’re being intentionally dishonest.
When you start out like that there’s no motivation for me to even read the rest of your comment. “Fuck you, now here’s my opinion” is never a good opener.
There’s no cup like that first cup.
If you’re Republican it’s simple:
That it didn’t get cancelled and was still in production, cuz it’s Firefly.
When I ask a question it’s because I don’t know the answer. I don’t pretend to have psychic powers like so many people on social media.
Now you got me remembering my 2MHz “big board” Z80 computer I put together in the 80s from a kit. First computer I ever owned. On first power-up nothing seemed to happen, then I turned up the monitor brightness and a choir of angels sang.
Loyal MAGAtards will fully believe it only hurts this much because Biden did such horrible damage, which their Lord and Savior is now trying to repair. “Thank God we got Trump back before it was too late!”
How many lights do you see?
I still do. At one job my manager said, “Don’t forget your coffee,” that I had left on his desk, and I proudly said, That’s not coffee, it’s Tea, Earl Grey, Hot." He took a closer look and said, “It doesn’t look like tea, Earl Grey, hot.” I replied, “It has milk, two percent, cold.” Sigh, you don’t see days like that anymore.
How did getting laid off during cutbacks go from commonplace to implausible? Are you taking the wrong meds?
Is “MAGAtard” okay to say on Lemmy without getting banned? It’s not a slur against mentally challenged people FFS, it’s a slur against MAGA. I think MAGAt is a poor substitute.
The evidence is all right there in HuNtEr’S LaPtOp ! ! !
Again, AI doesn’t do anything, any more than hammers and saws build houses. People use AI to do things. Anyway, profiting from investors and speculators without giving creators a piece of the action isn’t a consequence of AI, it’s how our whole system already works.
Stripping away your carefully crafted wording, the differences fade away. “Hitting a randomizer” until usable ideas come out is an equally inaccurate description of either human creativity or AI. And again, the contention is that using AI violates copyright, not how it allegedly does that.
I guess some people get off on go team go, but to me looking at market share is very corporate thinking. If lemmy is better than reddit (which I think it is) it will just naturally grow, which is great. Whet I’m cheering for is that developers of federated platforms are slowly taking social media away from the business world by doing it better for free - whether that turns out to be lemmy or some other software.
The issue being raised is copyright infringement, not the quality of the results. Writers “borrow” each other’s clever figures of speech all the time without payment or attribution. I’m sure I have often copypasted code without permission. AI does nothing on its own, it’s always a tool used by human beings. I think the copyright argument against AI is built on a false distinction between using one tool vs another.
My larger argument is that nobody has an inherent right to control what everybody else does with some idea they’ve created. For many thousands of years people saw stuff and freely imitated it. Oh look, there’s an “arch” - I think I’ll build a building like that. Oh look, that tribe uses that root to make medicine, let’s do the same thing. This process was known as “the spread of civilization” until somebody figured out that an authority structure could give people dibs on their ideas and force other people to pay to copy them. As we evolve more capabilities (like AI) I think it’s time to figure out another way to reward creators without getting in the way of improvement, instead of hanging onto a “Hey, that’s Mine!” mentality that does more to enrich copy producers than it does to enrich creators.
Alright, I confess! Almost all of my training in computer programming came from copyrighted material. Put the cuffs on me!
I’m really looking forward to the turmoil in the Trumpublican Party after he’s had his final Big Mac Attack. All the opportunists who’ve been using MAGA to advance themselves will be vying for position and clawing each other to pieces like the rats they are.