when that’s the name of an Intel processor?
It’s totally a reference to that, it has to pretty much… Why? Idk, nostalgia? Duo as in black and white maybe
IT guy from Germany
when that’s the name of an Intel processor?
It’s totally a reference to that, it has to pretty much… Why? Idk, nostalgia? Duo as in black and white maybe
I don’t know if they can really do that since Gemini is just an LLM at its core. Maybe they could integrate Assistant functionality into Gemini on Android that’s then triggered by certain keywords, but at that point why not just keep both Assistant and Gemini?
Gemini is hardly an uprade to Assistant, though. Gemini can’t do any task automation (aka the one thing Google Assistant could do) because it’s a LLM that most likely doesn’t even ‘know’ that it’s being run on a phone…
I kinda wanted a Pebble for a while, might as well get one now