Got a lot of people to click on it while raging, though, so it served its purpose.
In case anyone’s interested in the source material, here’s the press release it’s going on about. The AI is about searching and analyzing evidence, it isn’t fabricating anything that’ll actually be used in court.
This guy’s court cases are widely misunderstood by the general public.
In a nutshell: he’s a crank who is trying to tell the court “I don’t hold a copyright to the thing my AI produced, my AI holds the copyright.”
And the court tells him: “Only people (or legal persons, like corporations) can hold a copyright. Your AI cannot. If you say that you yourself don’t either, we can’t force you to have a copyright on it. So I guess that thing has no copyright and is therefore in the public domain.”
And then everyone gasps and exclaims “the court just ruled that AI-generated things are in the public domain!”